Film: The 5th Wave Year: 2016 Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama Directed By: J Blakeson Starring: Chloe Grace Moretz, Matthew Zuk, Gabriela Lopez About: Four waves of increasingly deadly alien attacks have left most of Earth in ruin. Cassie is on the run, desperately trying to save her younger brother Trailer: My Review: Having not seen The 5th Wave in a while and continuously being drawn to it in my movie collection I decided to give this a watch. Gutted that they decided not to continue on the franchise as it left a lot of questions however I do find this film enjoyable. Showing the background to the film and the different waves in which The Others seemed to take when eliminating the human race was something which helped the audience understand what was happening with the waves of Darkness; Destruction; Infection; Invasion and Child Education. With each wave killing humanity on the Earth so that the aliens are able to...
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