Film: Otherlife Year: 2017 Genre: Crime, Mystery, Sci-fi Directed By: Ben C. Lucas Starring: Jessica De Gouw, Thomas Cocquerel, T.J. Power About: After inventing a drug that induces time-compressed virtual realities, young Ren grapples with partner Sam over how to use their powerful creation. Trailer: My Review: Seeing a film on Netflix that didn't sound familiar but was also sci-fi I had to give Otherlife a watch and this did surprise me however didn't leave me as satisfied as I hoped that it would. Otherlife is about a drug which creates a virtual reality however seems to be like real memories and a days worth of memories can be done very quickly. While trying to get funding Ren by accident ends up killing someone due to a glitch in the programme. As a result of this she gets put in an isolation in her own mind for a year due to the government wanting to use it on prisoners which is only an hour in the real world. ...
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