Book: Time Travel Author: Roxanne San Jose Genre: Sci-fi Published By: Avid Publishing LLC Published Year: 2019 My Review: Being given a free copy of Time Travel for an honest review I decided to give this a read. Having thought it sounded interesting I was looking forward to seeing how this book would go forward and although this book had some good ideas I don't feel like this book was fully finished. Time Travel is about a girl who invents a time machine and when coming home from the future finds that her boyfriend has went to the past and gotten himself stuck there so tries to get him back while making friends along the way. I liked that this book had that when the couple went to the future and came across a robot went on an adventure with it after knowing it had been abandoned for a long time. Not only this but by having the main girl character Angelie come back for the robot when her boyfriend goes missing and asks for his help was really sweet and really helped ...
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