Film: I Am Wrath Year: 2016 Genre: Action, Crime, Drama Directed By: Chuck Russell Starring: John Travolta, Christopher Meloni, Amanda Schull About: A man is out for justice after a group of corrupt police officers are unable to catch his wife's killer. Trailer: My Review: When my mum came home with this movie I had no idea what to expect as I had never heard of it before but liking a lot of movies with John Travolta I had high hopes that I would enjoy it. This film did surprise me a lot and something in which I enjoyed a lot more than I had expected. Starting I Am Wrath with Stanley's wife dying and how he went out for revenge made me think that this was somewhat based off of a John Wick movie, however as a fan of the trilogy this didn't bother me at all. Showing how the police and people higher up didn't care about who killed his wife and even let the killer go as he was part of a gang in which the police wer...
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