Film: Circle Year: 2015 Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery Directed By: Aaron Hann, Mario Miscione Starring: Allegra Masters, Aimee McKay, Ashley Key About: Held captive and faced with their imminent executions, fifty strangers are forced to choose the one person among them who deserves to live. Trailer: My Review: Having not watched this movie in a while and wanting to watch it all day, I caved and put this on through Netflix. Personally, I like horror movies that have a psychological twist such as this film about right and wrong. I have seen this film before and I wouldn't say that it is amazing but it is a good watch. I liked how Circle had a lot of different characters and that the viewer got to see the movie from everyone's perspective not just one or two characters while also leaving the questions "why are they there?" and "what is the purpose of the circle?" which left me hoping for more answers as the film w
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