Book: Blood Demons
Author: Richard Jeffries
Genre: Horror
Published By: Kensington Books
Published Year: 2018
My Review:
Slowly lowering the books in which are on my Netgalley account I decided to read one that has been there for a while which is Blood Demons by Richard Jeffries which I thought looked really interesting and as I rarely read horror books thought it would make a good change for me.
Blood Demons is about a bombing which happens at Mount Rushmore and there is no blood found at the scene a specialized department called Cerberus is called in to try and find out what happened and leads to the finding of the beginning of the legend which is vampires. Not only this they feel that they are ready to dominate the world.
I thought that this book had a really good idea behind it and I really liked how it had a team that just deals with supernatural types of crimes just to make sure people had safety. Not only this but by having the book about the history of vampires I found that it was a topic in which I liked, by having the vampires also drink blood differently and drink life force by using suckers in their tongue was unique and stood out to me. Another thing in which I did like about Blood Demons was the technology in which the team had from ultraviolet glasses which made it like day time instead of just red like the police have and the flying jets they have which seem to be more like a space ship than any kind of jet showing how important the team is that they get the priority for new technology. Finally, the last thing I liked about this book was that one of the characters seemed to be enhanced making them stronger and also have better eyesight which did help them later in the book, I liked this as I thought it made the characters a little different to horror books in which I have previously read.
However, throughout this book I realised that I just wasn't picking up much of the information and that it just seemed to bore me a little and I needed to go back and read the same parts more than once to really understand what was going on. Also I did feel like you needed to know more of the backstory to the characters and only after finishing Blood Demons did I realise that this was the second book in the series which is rather disappointing as I feel that you would need to read that in order to fully understand this book. Not only this but I felt that the vampires weren't really in the book and their ways of trying to find them weren't really insightful which I wish was shown more of to fully understand their thought process while trying to capture the person responsible. Finally, I thought that it was hard to tell which character was leading the book at times as it didn't really pause to say and just carried on making me unsure where the setting currently was and what was really happening unless I read the same thing a couple of times.
Overall, I thought that Blood Demons by Richard Jeffries was a unique take on vampires and the legends behind them however should have been stated more that this is a sequel to another book as I feel the background to the characters is important. I would recommend this book to those who like horror books and vampire based books.
My Rating: 3/5
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