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Moon Over Soho - Ben Aaronovitch (book review) *contains spoilers*

Book: Moon Over Soho
Author: Ben Aaronovitch
Genre: Crime, Fantasy, Mystery
Published By: Gollancz
Published Year: 2011

My Review:
Having my colleague let me borrow the second book in the Peter Grant series I was looking forward to see how they would progress from the first book and what supernatural beings that they would have to defeat now.

Moon Over Soho is about jazz musicians who end up dying not long after coming off of the stage and seeming healthy at the time. Feeling that something is wrong they call in Peter Grant to help with the investigation and discover that something supernatural was going on. While this is happening there is a new threat arriving called The Faceless One who is also a wizard but no-one remembers what they look like. Will Peter be able to stop the threats facing London?

Personally, I liked this book a lot more than the first book as it was already established also there was more supernatural beings introduced and to worry about in London than the reader first thought. With an evil wizard in the city and the possibility of more made me really interested in what was going to happen next and upon realising that most of the wizards stopped after the war made me wonder even more about the new threat. I thought by also having experiments making cat people and having a headless man able to talk was something in which kept it very supernatural and worrying about how strong the new wizard was and as he is an enemy of Nightingale and Peter Grant how much they were able to influence especially as they seemed a lot stronger than both of them expected. Understanding that Nightingale was also taught at a school was something I thought was important as well as it showed how their was a lot more wizards than Peter expected and anybody could have still been continuing magic and teaching it to other people which could make the problem bigger in the future. Having the deaths of the musicians and the people who were killing them being called Jazz Vampires was interesting and made me wonder what the connection with them would be and kept me wanting to read more about the deaths and to try and figure out who the next victims would be. Having the ending where the sisters who discovered that they were killing people however didn't know about it as it didn't stay in their memory was sad as they killed themselves to stop them killing anybody else. I thought by doing this it showed the remorse in which they had and how they really didn't know what they were doing and didn't want to hurt anyone else even though they would have been able to go to the Folly and hopefully have been safe there. Moon Over Soho is great for keeping the reader engaged and with it being the second in a series I thought it was well done for continuing the story as well as giving new readers the chance to understand what was happening throughout.

The only thing about this book in which I didn't like was Peter Grant sleeping with the mistress of one of the victims. I thought that this was very unprofessional and really frustrated me throughout when they were together and continuously slept together making me feel that Peter doesn't take his job seriously at all. Discovering that she was one of the people responsible for killing as well was something in which made me just frustrated as I feel that if he had kept things professional he would have discovered that there was more to her than met his eye.

Overall, I did think that Moon Over Soho was a great read and a brilliant sequel. I would recommend this book to those who like supernatural books and those who like crime as this is a good combination of them both. I can't wait to read the third book in the series and see how the story progresses and what happens with the dark magician.

My Rating: 4/5 


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