Book: Devastation
Author: M.J. Haag
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Retelling
Published By: Shattered Glass Publishing LLC
Published Year: 2016
My Review:
Having read the first two books in this trilogy Depravity and Deceit I needed to know how the trilogy ended so picked up Devastation pretty much the moment I finished Deceit. I really enjoyed this trilogy and feel that this was the perfect way for me to get introduced to M.J. Haag as an author as I ended up loving these books more than I expected.
The book follows on from the second book perfectly and shows what happens next to Alec (The Beast) and Benella once the curse has been broken upon the manor. Having Benella's name and confidence tarnished due to the baker in the last book and Alec struggling to keep on top of the manor and land. Benella and her father end up living at the estate and help Alec to bring his land back to it's rightful ways which has Alec trying to prove that he loves Benella as well as trying to get away from the control of Rose even though the curse is broken.
I thought that this book was good in showing how Benella has lost all of her confidence since the baker's attack on her and that she is still trying to move on with her life even though she is stuck with a lot of battles within as a result. I thought that by showing how she had also lost her love with Alec due to his changing and not having seemed to save her in the last book was something that could be relateable as it showed how people's opinions can change based off of what has happened to them and how they blame those around them to try and get over it. I liked how the people who were also enchanted by Rose were still friends with Benella and stayed loyal to her and didn't have their opinion of her change because of what someone else done to her. I thought that this was good as it showed how even though you can change the people around you will stay and believe in you as well as love you no matter what you have gone through. I didn't like however how Rose was still controlling Alec's life even though he was free of the curse which was surrounding him and the estate. I did like how the ending showed how both Benella and Alec ended up getting married though and that they end up with a child on the way as I thought that it was a really nice way for the story to end and showed how they both loved each other and that both of their personalities were the same as when they first met even though things had changed for them for the better. I also like how Rose was the reason that they were brought together and that she believed in them from the moment that she had seen her which I thought was really sweet. I thought that this book was a good way of ending the trilogy as well as kept me loving the characters that were introduced as well as the ones that I was already aware of. Not only this but Devastation went at a good pace which made me not want to put the book down.
Overall, I thought that this book ended the trilogy really well and at a place which made the reader happy but also not go on too long making the reader bored. I would recommend this book to those who had read the previous parts in the trilogy as without it the reader won't fully understand what is happening in the novel. I would also recommend Devastation to those who are looking for a more adult version of Beauty and the Beast. I am so happy that I have read this trilogy and will definitely be giving this a re-read at some point as I loved this more than I personally expected.
My Rating: 5/5
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