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Snowpiercer (film review) *contains spoilers*

Film: Snowpierer
Year: 2013
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-fi
Directed By: Bong Joon-Ho
Starring: Chris Evans, Jamie Bell, Tilda Swinton
About: In a future where a failed climate-change experiment has killed all life except for the lucky few who boarded the Snowpiercer, a train that travels around the globe, a new class system emerges

My Review:
Being a movie I discovered years ago and completely fell in love with to the point it is one of my favourite movies of all time, I was excited to see that they had finally put this on Netflix so that others could discover it and love it as much as myself. As a result I thought I would re-watch Snowpiercer and give it a review which is fun for me as it is a film in which I really enjoy and feel is very underrated.

I love how this film begins by showing you how the passengers who are on the train that goes around the world are the only survivors of the human race. By doing this it shows how key the train really is and how it is the planets only hope of civilisaton. Having the poor rise up against the rich which is the front of the train is something I thought was key for this movie as it showed how the poor even though didn't have as much and was overcrowded would not stand for what the front of the train the rich were doing anymore and wanted to take down the leader as a result. This was something in which I thought was relevant for society in general with that the worse they treat the people the more that the people will get angry and fight back. While the people were going up the train I liked how every carriage was different and nothing was the same throughout which helped to move Snowpiercer along at a good pace. Personally, I enjoyed the carriage which had loads of assassins in it the most as it showed how even on a train they still wanted to kill and found enjoyment out of doing so which was disturbing but made the scene really good to watch, especially with the amount of action that goes on in that scene. I also enjoyed seeing how the people changed the higher up the train they went from a school and being taught about Wilford to the club where people had loads of drugs showing how life didn't really change for the rich. Later in the movie finding out why the lead characters best friend meant so much for him was heartbreaking to find out that he almost killed him for food when he was only a baby and so felt responsible for him even though he didn't like that he looked up to him. By finding this out you fully understand the character in which the movie follows and why he behaves the way that he does. Finally, the ending of the movie where the train gets derailed and the people on board dies except from two passengers who end up going into the snow which they realise has life on it by seeing a bear and gives them hope. I think this was a great way of ending the movie and shows how they do have a chance of survival outside of the train since the world was not as cold as it snowy as it was previously. Snowpiercer has great acting throughout it and the script is really well written as well which is something that really draws in the watcher and makes them want to know what will continuously happen next. By also having people who speak different languages and have different skills which was key for the movie was something in which also made this movie come more to life.

The only thing in which I can fault is that when the Korean man was talking he didn't always use the communicator and there wasn't any subtitles to understand what he said unless you put them on for the whole movie. This is something in which I thought was rather annoying as I could either watch the full movie with subtitles or just not understand that particular character when he spoke.

Overall, Snowpiercer is an amazing movie which is full of action and drama.  I would highly recommend this film to people who like dystonia movies and people who are looking for a movie in which has action throughout. This is definitely a movie I will watch again and is a favourite of mine.

My Rating: 5/5 

  • If you have seen this film what was your opinion of it? 
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