Film: Beauty and the Beast
Year: 2017
Genre: Family, Fantasy, Musical
Directed By: Bill Condon
Starring: Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans
About: A selfish prince is cursed to become a monster for the rest of his life, unless he learns to fall in love with a beautiful young woman he keeps prisoner.
My Review:
Being a fan of Beauty and the Beast and having it as my favourite classic Disney movie I somehow never got around to seeing the 2017 version of the movie. So wanting a movie to watch before work I thought that it would be the perfect time to see this film and having high expectations of it was happily surprised.
I liked how this movie showed how the Beast became cursed right at the very start of the movie and showed how he would be able to break the curse. This helped the audience really see the changes which happens within the prince and as a result care for him throughout the movie. I thought that the look of the Beast was also really well done and even though showing him as a monster kept him as a character in which was still really nice to look at. Having the bad guy within the movie as a man which people are also able to see in real life and someone who is easily not likable is something in which I really like about this film as it keeps the film more relateable for the audience. Personally, I love the message within the story of Beauty and the Beast which shows internal beauty and how looks don't mean everything. Having this is an amazing message for people which shows to look within others and not to judge people just on appearances. Showing why Belle didn't know her mother and the Beast able to show her why was something I thought really helped to explain her relationship with her father and understand why they are so close to each other as well. Also by having Belle not understand about her mother until that point left her as a puzzle even to herself which kept her interesting. Having the characters also make me smile and laugh such as the candelabra who is determined to make it all work out for the castle and to help the Beast find love in which will help to break the curse. I also love how the clock isn't wanting to disappoint the prince but also wants to help Belle any way that he can. Having these characters really help to bring the movie more to life and help to show how the characters of the Beast and Belle change when around each other and by falling in love with each other.
The only thing in which I didn't really like about this film is that it was a musical as well, I feel that Disney are making a lot of musicals lately when doing remakes of movies and it is starting to make me a little bored. However, this is something in which even though annoyed me a little was something in which didn't really take away from the movie and is something in which was done really well.
Overall, the movie is a great remake of Beauty and the Beast and a film in which I really ended up enjoying a lot more than I had expected. I would recommend this film to those who are fans of classic Disney movies and those who are looking for a family movie in which everyone is able to watch. I am definitely going to be watching this again.
My Rating: 5/5
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