Book: The Mystery Knight: A Graphic Novel
Author: George R.R. Martin
Genre: Fantasy, Fiction, Graphic Novel
Published By: Bantam
Published Year: 2017
My Review:
Having received this novel as a Christmas present I couldn't resist but to read it this month and see what I thought about this. As my first time reading anything by George R.R. Martin I feel that this was a good way of easing me into his writing. When I received this book I didn't realise that it was the third in a series of novels so my opinion will be based off of this book as a stand alone!
The Mystery Knight is about Dunk and his squire Egg who when heading to Winterfell decide to go to a wedding in order to try and get some food and take part in a melee which has the prize of a dragons egg! However, when they are there chaos starts and will Dunk and Egg be able to escape alive?
By having this story as a graphic novel I feel that it really helped me to capture the characters as I was able to see how they were reacting to the situation and see what was happening around them in order to see why a character was acting the way that they were. However, I did find that at times it seemed like the characters appearances changed depending on how the picture was drawn and this did make me a little confused at times as to wither this was the character in which I thought it was or wither it was someone else. By also having the boxes which had Dunk's thoughts but also what was happening around them I did feel that this was a little hard to figure out which one it was all the way through which did rather annoy me about this graphic novel as I feel that this could have been done in a much better way.Having the action scenes with no words and really getting to see what was happening however was something that I loved about this book and probably one of my favourite things about it as the graphics made these scenes stand out and really captivate the reader. This book is a great novel however and I feel that the adventure in which the reader goes through with the characters is easy to see and get really into as it stands alone and how they find out about the wedding and end up going. By having the threats for both Dunk and Egg there it made me really worry for the characters and hope that both of them were going to be okay throughout this even though it seemed at times it wouldn't be good for both of them. However, I feel some of the history between the characters such as about the black and red dragon I was really confused about but this might have been because I am familiar with the other books in this series.
Overall, this is a book in which I did enjoy and found really easy to read and I will be picking up the previous two when I have a chance so that I can enjoy the books properly and find out more about Dunk and Egg and the adventures in which they go on. I would suggest this book to those who like graphic novels and fantasy as this is great for that.
My Rating: 3/5
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