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List of 13 - E.A. Comiskey (book review) *contains spoilers*

Book: List of 13
Author: E.A. Comiskey
Genre: Fantasy
Published By: Nuff Said Pubishing
Published Year: 2018
About: Alice and her adult daughter, Claire, created a “bucket list” of thirteen experiences they would seek out before Alice died from cancer. They never expected to die in a plane crash attempting to cross off number three. Now, mother and daughter are stuck in the underworld, unable to move on to their ultimate destiny until they finish the list, but finding an Irish Pub near the Fields of Asphodel, or swimming naked in the ocean while being pursued by bloodthirsty Aztecs and a smitten Egyptian god is as hard as it sounds. When everything they ever thought they knew is challenged, will faith be enough to carry them through?

My review:

Having received an advance reader's copy from the author in return for an honest review I was happy to start reading this book which was very different from what I expected when I first picked it up.

The story is told from Alice's point of view and follows the adventure of Alice and Claire really well creating a perfect picture of the atmosphere's and moods within each part of the underworld which did make this a delight to read and made me want to keep reading more. With having each chapter almost having the mother and daughter ticking off something on the bucket list in which they created to do when living was a brilliant way of making the book fast paced and not waiting for the next part of the book to begin. Having the book also about unfinished business and how they had to do everything in order to cross over even with obstacles in the way was something I enjoyed about this book and made it a little different as it took place in the underworld where they needed to try and complete everything. Not only this but by seeing some of the past of their relationship before they died and how the story of the bucket list came to be filled up some questions and let the reader see how some of the things listed were able to be done on Earth before the plane crash. There was various parts of this novel in which made me really happy such as the secret items that both Claire and Alice chose and how throughout the book the reader was trying to figure out what the real last wish of Alice was which gets revealed as walking her daughter down the isle and by doing that the reader is able to see how Claire starts to love one of the gods and the love blossom. Another part which made me so happy and I am glad that E.A. Comiskey did mention was how Rory her husband who passed away was with a man called Phoenix and throughout the reader was wondering who he really was until the ending when the reader finds out it is the child in which Alice lost making this a very touching moment that she was able to meet her son in which she always wanted before having to go to heaven.

A few things about this book did bother me however and one of those was that it kept changing times so often between the tenses which was fine when it was with Claire and Alison however I feel when it went back to times with Rory I wasn't really sure where on the timeline that the book was taking place and did confuse me at times. Not only this but I did feel some of the parts with Rory weren't really needed within the book such as him watching his family all the time and worrying and hearing his side of things when it could have been shown in a different manner which seemed more flowing within the novel. Finally, I did feel that this novel although having different realms and gods which looked after their own part of the underworld I found too religious especially when it kept going back to one god making me feel that the gods in which they encountered was obsolete.

Overall, this novel was a great adventure and did grab my attention and one that I feel people deserve to read. This is also a book that I would recommend to those looking for a book about unfinished business and the underworld.

My Rating: 3/5 


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