Butterfly summer by Anne-Marie Conway is such a great little mystery novel which follows Becky who moves to Oakbridge with her mum and becomes friends with a girl who is always at the Butterfly Garden called Rosa May. However as Becky finds out about a photo from her mothers past which she has no idea about she starts questioning her mum and everything she knows about the past.
This is such a good fast-paced novel in which I couldn't put down once I picked it up. It is kind of predictable a times but there is a great twist near the end of the book which was amazing. I do think it ended rather abruptly however and there was more of the novel that could have been expended on and leaves you wanting more by the end of the book.
I would highly recommend this book to younger readers who are looking for a mystery book as well as people wanting a mystery book who wants a very simple story line that is really easy to follow.
This is such a good fast-paced novel in which I couldn't put down once I picked it up. It is kind of predictable a times but there is a great twist near the end of the book which was amazing. I do think it ended rather abruptly however and there was more of the novel that could have been expended on and leaves you wanting more by the end of the book.
I would highly recommend this book to younger readers who are looking for a mystery book as well as people wanting a mystery book who wants a very simple story line that is really easy to follow.
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